Points are stored in YAML files, here's a sample of a file with 1 point in it:

- :type: :visit
  :lon: -71.046524
  :lat: 42.363871
  :title: Boston
  :country: United States
  :comment: Sample Data
  :href: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston
  :linkimg: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/430836891198320640/_-25bnPr.jpeg
  :linktext: Wikipedia
  :date: 2013-03-28

You can create these by hand but the easiest is to use the included geocoder which is available on /geocode on your instance.

The geocoder supports simple searches or you can right click anywhere on the map. It will fill in some information about the place gathered from Googles API, give you a chance to pick the type of visit and fill in various fields.

Press Preview and the popup will show you how your point will look when clicked as well as the YAML ready to paste into the points file.


Today these are the significant fields but you're welcome to add more if you'd like to track some additional information about a point. The site will just ignore these additional fields but if you do add more it's best to name them like _your_item to avoid future issues if the site does get more features, we'll never use keys that start with a _ for our needs.

Key Description
:type: The visit type, has to match one defined in the config file, leading : is important.
:lon: The longitude
:lat: The Latitude
:title: Short title of the point
:country: Which country it is in
:comment: A comment for your point which may include basic HTML like bolding etc
:href: An optional link to further information to associate with the point
:linkimg: An optional image to show instead of the default placeholder text for the href
:linktext: Optional text to use for the link, can combine with the image
:date: The date of this visit, dddd-mm-yy format
:gallery: Specification of a gallery

Format conversions

You can browse to /points/kml and /points/json to get these points returned in either KML or JSON formats for processing into other tools.